Purposeful Leadership: How you can help Humanity to Flourish

An online discussion with renowned Prof. Stephen Kempster from Lancaster University:

What is the purpose of business? Steve will offer an answer to this question by arguing that business has the potential to be the greatest mechanism on the planet to enhance humanity, if it can galvanise purpose-led leadership to generate good growth through realising Good Dividends. Find out how you, your organization, and your community can thrive through purposeful leadership! Imagine a child asking a parent what the purpose of business is: ‘well if medicine is to health, and law is to justice, business is to human flourishing’.

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Henry Mintzberg

Professor of Management McGill University

Rodney Irwin

COO, World Business Council for Sustainable Devlopment

Daniel Hires

Director of Partnerships Inner Development Goals

Anita Nowak PhD

Author of Purposeful Empathy