Information Session Signup

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  • Nov 14 Thursday 2024 at 12pm EST

Information Session Signup

Business Schools

The IMPM is an Executive Diploma in Global Management from five top universities. With the option of an Executive Masters Degree in Global Management (equivalent to a Global EMBA).

Participants attend five modules (10 days each) over a period of 12 months. Each module integrates business functions and the most cutting-edge topics within five unique managerial mindsets that will transform your leadership approach.

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Beyond an EMBA

IMPM is the #1 International Executive Program.* Founded by management icon and McGill professor Henry Mintzberg, the program goes beyond a traditional global EMBA. We bring together experienced managers, executives and entrepreneurs from around the globe to acquire the latest in management thinking from top professors at five leading business schools, learn from peers, and immediately address strategic challenges in the workplace.

*Eduniversal Global Executive Rankings, North America, 2017-2024

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Customizable for Immediate Impact

Through peer and action-learning you can customize your journey and regularly apply what you learn to your work, immediately improving your team and organization’s performance.

Peer Consulting

You will share your work challenges with your peers as they relate to the topics covered in class. This "friendly consulting" can lead to creative new ideas and strategies.

Reflection Papers

After each module, you will write a reflection paper outlining how you will apply what you learned to your organization. This allows you to integrate your work into the program.

Managerial Exchange

You will follow another participant from a different country and industry in their workplace, and they will observe you in your organization. This can transform the way you lead and manage.

Company Visits

You will visit organizations from various sectors, to learn about different business models in the unique context of that particular culture. This will open your mind to new ways of thinking.

Impact Teams

You will implement improvement projects with your team, based on what you learn in class. This allows you to have an immediate impact on your organization.

Ready to be Transformed?

IMPM alumni unanimously rate the IMPM as a transformative experience professionally and personally. They are positively impacting their organizations, societies and environment around the globe. Join our IMPM family.
See all testimonials.

Send Us Your CV

Andre Carvalhal da Silva

Head of International Market Dept


The IMPM had a significant impact in my career. After the course, I had the opportunity to assume two C-Level positions: CEO of a Brazilian pension fund, and Board Director of a Brazilian subsidiary in London. The course also allowed me to live in UK and US, to explore different cultures and to work with people from different countries.


Bettina Ganghofer

CEO Chief Executive Officer

Salzburg Airport, Austria

My IMPM journey goes back to cycle 10 and to the year 2005. Then was the starting point of a very unique journey into my personal and managerial self, a journey which continues up to today. The most strenuous was the reflective mindset and the most rewarding one, as it allowed myself to finally make sense of a quite a number of challenges then up to today. The most inspiring were the wordly mindset in India with completely new insights of a different national and economical context and doing business so differently and the collaborative mindset in Korea and Japan, which – especially Japan - triggered the content of my master thesis. Don’t get me wrong, each mindset up to the last is impressive, impacting, educating and extremely helpful in every day’s life. And I am more than happy to finally send a colleague to share this explosion of learnings, new experiences and all the other good and lasting memories you create together with your teachers, the schools and the classroom.