
Fees & Expenses




The IMPM provides one of the best-value and most renowned international executive programs on the market. Compare us to any top Global EMBA program, and you will find we offer the most relevant, international, practical, and impactful executive master’s degree. We aim to keep tuition as affordable as possible and offer scholarships to allow the highest-potential individuals and organizations from all sectors and regions of the world to attend this premium global executive program. Our goal is to maximise your individual and organizational impact and ROI, not ours. We value responsibility, diversity, and inclusion. That includes pricing our program responsibly. 


For individuals in the private sector, tuition is US$50,000. EXCLUSIVE EARLY BIRD TUITION US$45,000. REGISTER BEFORE MARCH 31 2024.


For individuals in government, NGOs, or academia tuition is US$45,000. EXCLUSIVE EARLY BIRD TUITION US$40,000. REGISTER BEFORE MARCH 31 2024.


  • Tuition covers all instruction, company visits; required books and other pedagogical materials including self-learning and team development activities; tutoring and other inter-modular tailored support.
  • Payments can be made in 5 installments across the duration of the program.
  • A deposit of US$3,000 is required to reserve a place in the program.
  • For organizations sending more than one individual, exclusive rates can be applied.
  • Travel and local lodging to the different modules is arranged and paid for by participants.
  • Partial (upto US$10,000) scholarships are available on a regional basis. Preference will be given to those who demonstrate high potential impact and are in financial need.
  • There are no bursaries or scholarships available for travel and accommodation. Participants may be asked to demonstrate how they plan to pay for or fund the remaining tuition and travel costs.
  • DEGREE FEE CND$14,950 for the degree at McGill University (Canada), £6400 for the degree at Lancaster University (UK) and, US$5,000 for the degree at FGV- EBAPE (Brazil).


SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE. APPLY BEFORE MARCH 31 2024. IMPM has several scholarships of upto US$10,000 for exceptional candidates in various sectors and regions of the world. Once pre-selected for admission, you may apply for one of the following scholarships:

  • Henry Mintzberg Rebalancing Society Award – For leaders, particularly those in the NGO/Not-for-Profit sector, who demonstrate exceptional impact in their government, communities and/or environment.
  • Indigenous Leadership Award – For indigenous persons who demonstrate exceptional leadership within or outside their community and/or are imparting and integrating indigenous knowledge in a way that benefits society and the environment.
  • Latin America Leadership Award – For executives residing in Latin America who demonstrate exceptional leadership in their organization, country, and/or region.
  • African Leadership Award – For executives residing on the African continent who demonstrate exceptional leadership in their organization, country, and/or region.
  • Women in Leadership Award – For women who demonstrate exceptional leadership in their organization, country, and/or region.
  • Inner Development Goals Sustainability Leadership Award – For leaders who have implemented successful sustainability strategies in their organizations and/or communities that have a positive impact.
  • LGTBQ Leadership Award – For leaders in the LGTBQ community who are actively involved in promoting diversity and inclusion in their organization, communities, country and/or region.

IMPM Tax Credits For Canadians

IMPM is a self-funded part-time senior executive program and may not qualify for tax credits. However we invite you to explore the following options:

Tuition fees paid by a business owner, an individual to a post-secondary educational institution in Canada (that provides courses at a post-secondary level) or, fees paid by a deemed resident of Canada, to a post-secondary educational institution outside Canada (that provides courses at a post-secondary level), may be eligible for the tuition tax credit.


For Quebec residents see Tax Credit for Tuition or Examination Fees > Eligible Expenses

Go to the General Income Tax and Benefit Guide to see if you are eligible to claim a provincial or territorial education amount.

At the end of the calendar year, the program will issue official receipts for tax purposes. These receipts cover a single calendar year.