McGill’s International Masters Program for Managers(IMPM) founded by Henry Mintzberg continues to change and evolve. An international program for senior managers and leaders, it is delivered at top businesses schools over 5 different regions of the world. Lancaster University in England, McGill University in Canada, IIMB in India, FGV/EPABE in Brazil and, new to the IMPM, Yokohama National University (YNU) in Japan. Located 30 minutes by train from Tokyo, YNU has always been committed to playing a global role with a long-term perspective that is fitting for Yokohama, the nation’s second largest city and key gateway to modern Japan.
Each of these business schools delivers a 10 day module based on a different Managerial Mindset and YNU will be running the collaborative mindset module. In this module, aside from focusing on the different forms of collaboration and alternative models of human behavior, the role of trust and culture in collaboration and how it is created in companies is explored. Taking advantage of the proximity to China and Korea, input from these countries expands the East Asian experience of the participants.
Co-directing the Collaborative Mindset Module with Daniel Heller is Kentaro Iijima, an alumnus from the first Cycle of the IMPM 22 years ago. Recently retired from Fujitsu where he worked as a senior executive in Human Resources, Kentaro says, “The IMPM had a big impact on my leadership capability. I was fortunate that I was chosen by Fujitsu to attend this program. The results of the program can be seen in the commitment of Fujitsu which has sent over 30 managers to the program over the years.”
Henry Mintzberg, founder of the IMPM is thrilled that the collaborative mindset module will be delivered in Yokohama. He states that; “It is not surprising that Japan is where we probe into Managing Relationships through the collaborative mindset. It is the perfect place to run this mindset of our International Masters Program for Managers, as collaboration is in the genes of Japan. Our team at YNU is already recruiting from some of the best known Japanese companies.”