Paulo Faveret is a great example of how an alumnus of the International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM) has continued to use the program and have an IMPact within his organization.
The IMPM is about developing leaders and having these leaders make an IMPact within their organizations. Since 2012 the Brazilian Development Bank(BNDES) has been sending senior managers to the IMPM. This commitment by the Bank, sending senior managers on a yearly basis, is a result of the effectiveness of the program. The IMPM approach to developing management and leaders fits well with BNDES’ mission of developing Brazil. By understanding the various aspect of the context where they operate and by acquiring new ways of thinking, senior managers have become better equipped to deal with complex issues inside the Bank and outside the organization to the businesses they serve and society at large.
Paulo Faveret, was the Director of HR and one of the first participants from BNDES to take the program. Bringing the learning back to the organization and his team was always key for him. However, over the past year he took this transmission of learning and impact to another level.
In the fall of 2017 the Leadership for Development Program(LfD) was launched. It was designed as a translation of the IMPM philosophy to the Bank’s conditions. The LfD is an internal training program led by bank’s senior managers with the support of faculty from Lancaster University and FGV/EBAPE. The first module took place in December 2017 with a two-day immersion in the main concepts of the mindsets that will be further developed in five mini IMPM modules to be run over the next few years.
Paolo and thirty participants from different areas of the bank, with various backgrounds, and hierarchical positions collectively reflected on critical aspects of managing development. Much of the material used to ground the reflection of these participants came from the shared diagnosis that had been produced by managers from BNDES who had been on the IMPM during the previous five years.
Professor Alex Faria, the IMPM Module Director at FGV/EBAPE says what Paulo is doing by bringing these mini IMPM modules within BNDES is moving beyond action to transformation. Not only is the LfD making better managers and producing better management within the Bank but, it is building community and moving development outside the bank leading to a better society at large.
It is appropriate to define this journey as an authentic action learning experiment aimed at maximizing the impact of the IMPM. This journey illustrates the possibilities as a result of the IMPM – helping companies move to productive transformation.