Congratulations to Andy Dunstan, participant on the International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM), third from right, who is to head up GM’s new Asia Pacific office in Seoul, Korea. Andy is currently finalising his International Management master’s degree at Lancaster University.
General Motors Executive Vice President Barry Engle, seventh from left, cut the ribbon to celebrate the launch of General Motors’ Asia-Pacific regional headquarters in GM Korea’s Bupyeong plant in Incheon on 28 March 2019. Sixth from left is Democratic Party of Korea floor leader Hong Young-pyo and second from right is GM Korea CEO Kaher Kazem.
Dr Martin Brigham, IMPM Worldwide Academic Director said: “With over 25 years’ experience at GM, Andy is very well placed to create new breakthroughs in markets across the Asia-Pacific region for which he will be responsible. Andy enrolled on the IMPM, an 8 week intensive senior executive development program over 18 months, to develop further his personal and professional purpose and to fast track his knowledge of the latest management thinking around the world. With newly enriched perspectives on management practice and International business, this pan- Asian senior executive role at GM will play to Andy’s varied and deep strengths.”
The IMPM is a senior management executive masters program designed to create worldly managers, preparing them for the most senior responsibilities in business. The program is taught by management guru Henry Mintzberg and 75 faculty at five leading business schools across the world: Lancaster University in the UK, McGill University in Canada, Yokohama National University in Japan, FGV-EBAPE in Brazil, and the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore in India. Photo courtesy of GM Korea.